Enter the golf sport

You can be looking for your first game right now. Our Golf Academy Haugschlag - Litschau offers optimal training possibilities as well as schooled trainers who initiate you into the mysteries of this sport. You can lend golf clubs and golf balls directly by us!

Our services:
Just come, hire equipment and enjoy the game! 

Our special offers for the year 2023

Beginner's course in 3 days

In 3 days you acquire all basic knowledge of golf in practice and theory.
On the training course, you will learn all about important techniques on the course and the fascination of golfing.

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Course content:

In 7 x 50 min lessons with the golf instructor. The use of the exercise equipment, sufficient practice balls during the lessons and practice, free play on the 18-hole course in Litschau, 2 game balls, 1 pitch fork as well as course documents are of course included! (Group size of max. 8 participants per golf instructor).

Spa program:

Friday 16 to 18:30 h
Saturday 10 am to 12 noon and 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm
Sunday 9 am to 12:30 pm

Dates 2023:

on request

All Inclusive - vom Anfänger zum Golfer

In drei Tagen erwerben Sie alle Grundkenntnisse des Golfspiels in Praxis und Theorie. Auf der Übungsanlage erlernen Sie alle wichtigen Techniken auf dem Platz sowie die Faszination des Golfspiels kennen. So schließen Sie Ihren Anfängerkurs mit der Platzerlaubnis oder vielleicht sogar schon mit Ihrem ersten Golf Handicap ab.


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7 Stunden Unterricht:

Von Freitag bis Sonntag werden Sie zum Golfer ausgebildet und erhalten alles was der Golfer benötigt. 1 Pitchgabel sowie Kursunterlagen sind natürlich inkludiert.

PLUS: Schlägerset im Wert von € 219-. bestehend aus einer Bag-Tasche, 1 Putter, 3 Eisen und ein Fairwayholz

PLUS: Jahresmitgliedschaft im GC Herrensee (Wert: € 329 + € 45 Verbandsabgabe) inkl. Gutscheinheft im Wert von ca € 800.

Zusätzlich Vergünstigungen im Pro-Shop und Ermäßigungen in Partnerclubs und Hotels. Volle Mitgliedschaft in einem ÖGV-Golfclub samt Mitgliedskarte!

Preis:  € 799,-

Bei Fragen stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung. Sie erreichen uns telefonisch unter 02865/438 oder per Mail an info@gcherrensee.at.

Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Teilnahme.

KINDERGOLF CAMP during the holidays

Our golf course for children from 5 to 15 years at the GC Herrensee with well-trained staff and golf pros including:
Lessons, exercise balls, rental clubs as required, lunch and drinks. 2020 also again with possibility to stay in the Golfresort with complete supervision!

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GAME-TECHNOLOGY FITNESS: A training in which the children reach playfully and effectively the optimal training goal. Competent submission conveys the joy of the game that does not come to short.

The lessons during the children's golf week are held between 10:00 and 15:00 from Monday to Friday. On Friday the Golf-Youngsters will show what they already have learnd at a closing tournament - victory ceremony from 2:30 pm! The children are also looked after during the lunch break.

Dates 2023:

10.07.2023 - 14.07.2023
24.07.2023 - 28.07.2023
07.08.2023 - 11.08.2023


Children's golf weeks each € 215, - p. Without accommodation

We are looking forward to your registration at info@gcherrensee.at.
Registration is one week before the beginning of the course.

Day card

For the 18 hole golf course
From € 20, - per person

Rental equipment

From € 8, -

Golf academy Haugschlag - Litschau

Our golf academy offers a wide range of courses. It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or you want to improve your game, our schooled Pros will make time for you. We offer courses also to children and youths. 

Golf Academy Haugschlag - Litschau